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The OpenFlow Testbed project will host 2 M.Sc./Ph.D. students. Full scholarships will be provided. The scholarship levels are highly competitive and will be based on the students’ qualifications. The students working in this project will be co-advised by Profs. Oğuz Sunay and Ali Özer Ercan.


On March 21, 2011 six companies (Deutsche Telekom, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Verizon and Yahoo!) formed the Open Networking Foundation (ONF). Shortly thereafter, 17 additional companies joined these six (Big Switch Networks, Broadcom, Brocade, Ciena, Citrix, Dell, Ericsson, Extreme Networks, Force10, HP, IBM, IP Infusion, Juniper Networks, Marvell, NEC, Netgear, Nokia Siemens Networks, NTT, Riverbed Technology, VMware). The mission of ONF is to promote software-defined networking. OpenFlow is the leading software-defined networking platform. The platform gives a remote controller the power to modify the behavior of network devices, through a well-defined forwarding instruction set which in turn allows for network optimization according to the users needs. The OpenFlow ecosystem includes routers, switches, virtual switches, and access points.

At Özyeğin University we are developing an OpenFlow testbed which is composed of two OpenFlow switches, an OpenFlow controller, and end nodes in the form of computers as well as access points. The core intelligence of the OpenFlow network lies in the controller. The graduate students that will work on the project will be responsible from developing algorithms for the controller and testing them in the testbed.