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This course provides an introduction to Electrical and Electronics Engineering. It introduces the students to basic concepts of signals and systems through extensive use of digital computation. MATLAB, which is one of the most widely used computing languages in engineering, is used throughout the course. The general objective is to motivate beginning engineers to connect mathematics and computation to engineering problem solving. Covered topics include mathematical representation of signals and systems, sinusoidal signals, spectrum of signals, periodic signals, Fourier representation, sampling, quantization, aliasing, FIR filtering and convolution as well as the MATLAB programming environment, syntax and programming essentials.

Co-Requisite: COMP 101
Lecture Hours: Tuesdays 9:00-10:45, Room 204 and Fridays 11:00-12:45, Room 204
Office Hours: Tuesdays 11:00-12:00 and Thursdays 10:00-12:00
1. Signal Processing First, James McClellan, Ronald Schafer and Mark Yoder, Pearson
2. Engineering Computation with Matlab, second edition, David Smith, Pearson

Tentative Calendar
Feb. 5 Course Introduction
Feb. 9 Mathematical Representation of Signals and Systems
Feb. 12 Sinusiods, Sinusiodal Signals
Feb. 16 Frequency and Period, Phase Shift, Time Shift
Feb. 19 Getting Started with MATLAB
Feb. 23 MATLAB Execution Control
Feb. 26 MATLAB Vectors and Arrays
Mar. 2 MATLAB Functions
Mar. 5 Complex Numbers, Complex Exponentials, Phasors
Mar. 9 Phasor Addition
Mar. 12 Spectrum of a sum of sinusoids
Mar. 16 MATLAB Character Strings
Mar. 19 MATLAB Cell Arrays
Mar. 30 MATLAB I/O
Apr. 2 MATLAB Recursion
Apr. 6 MATLAB Recursion
Apr. 9 MATLAB Plotting
Apr. 13 MATLAB Matrices
Apr. 16 Spectrum of a sum of sinusoids
Apr. 20 Periodic Waveforms, Fourier Series
Apr. 27 Fourier Analysis of Periodic Signals
Apr. 30 Sampling
May 4 Spectrum View of Sampling
May 7 Reconstruction of Sampled Signals
May 11 Images with MATLAB
May 14 Images with MATLAB
May 18 Sound with MATLAB
May 21 Sound with MATLAB