Assistant Professor of Economics
Dr. Soytaş holds a BS in Civil Engineering from Boğazici University and an MA in Economics from Marmara University. He received his PhD in Economics from the University of Pittsburgh (2011). Dr. Soytas worked as a graduate research assistant in the Center for Industry Studies at the University of Pittsburgh (2011), and as a consultant for World Bank’s Ankara Office (2012) before joining Ozyegin University.
Dr. Soytaş’s research areas include the fields of econometrics, labor economics, and applied microeconomics. His current empirical focus is mainly on the persistence of income across generations, intergenerational aspects of lifecycle decisions, and effects of parental investment in children within an intergenerational context.
Dr. Soytaş teaches courses on microeconomics, econometrics, applied econometrics, and labor economics.
He will be on leave at KAPSARC for the 2018/2019 academic year. You can also reach at and/or visit his webpage
Link to his presentation at CEAR-HCEO-MOVE Workshop on Family Economics June 2015, Barcelona GSE: “What Accounts for the Racial Gap in Time Allocation and Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital?“
Link to co-author’s presentation at HCEO’s Conference on Understanding Human Capital Formation and its Determinants November 2017, University of Chicago: “What is the Source of the Intergenerational Correlation in Earnings?“
Reference to his research in popular press:
What your company’s telecommuting policy has to do with your kids’ futures (Boston Globe)
Job Flexibility Helps Poor People Move to the Middle Class (The Atlantic)
Is There a Connection Between Parent-Child Earnings? (Difficult Run)
Sustainable Development Road Map of Turkey (Hurriyet – National Turkish Newspaper)