



Working Papers (R&R and under review)

Articles in Refereed Proceedings

Articles in National Refereed Journals and other Int. Journals

  • Examining Health Status of Females in Urban and Rural Areas in Turkey: A Bayesian Approach with Gulsah Sedefoglu, Current Debates in Economics & Econometrics, IJOPEC Publishing, USA.,  (2017).


Research in Progress

  • Family structure and Intergenerational Income Mobility, with George-Levi Gayle and Limor Golan, 2016.
  • The Complementarity and Substitution in Early and Late Investment in Children, 2017.
  • Parental Time and Divorce Law, with George-Levi Gayle, Limor Golan and Juan Pantano, 2016.
  • Intergenerational Persistence of Labor Market Earnings versus Wealth: The Role of Human Capital Transmission and Entrepreneurial Opportunity, with George-Levi Gayle, Limor Golan, and Andres Hincapie, 2017
  • Public pre-school provision and mothers’ labor supply: Case of Turkey, with Gonul Sengul, 2017.
  • Optimal Taxation and Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital, with Musab Kurnaz, 2018.
  • Early Childhood Investment and Income Taxation, with Musab Kurnaz, 2018.
  • CCP Estimator in a Dynastic Setting, (2019).


Essays on Life Cycle Dynastic Discrete Choice Models, Printed PhD Thesis, 2011.


International Book Chapters

  1. Exploring the Nexus between Inflation and Globalization under Inflation Targeting through the Lens of New Zealand’s Experience”, Current Approaches in Education and Economics, SRA Academic Publishing, USA., Kabukcuoglu, A., Martinez-Garcia, E., and Soytas, M.A. (2017).
  2. Examining Health Status of Females in Urban and Rural Areas in Turkey: A Bayesian Approach”, Current Debates in Economics & Econometrics, IJOPEC Publishing, USA., Sedefoglu G., and Soytas, M.A. (2017).


Grants and Contracts

  1. Principal Investigator, Turkish Science Foundation 3501 National Young Researchers Career Development Program (CAREER) Grant, Project Title: “Time investment to the children: A possible explanation for the gender gap in the labor market, policy recommendations.”, Duration: March 2014 – May 2016, Amount: ~31,000 EUR.
  2. Co-Investigator, Turkish Science Foundation 1001, The Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects Grant, Project Title: “A new estimation technique for sovereign default risk.”, with E. Volkan, Duration: March 2014 – May 2016, Amount: ~46,000 EUR.
  3. Co-Investigator, Turkish Science Foundation 1001, The Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects Grant, Project Title: “Sustainability in business: Constructing a merged dataset and economic theory based approach for modelling.”, with M. Denizel, Duration: March 2014 – May 2016, Amount: ~75,000 EUR.


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