- Estimation of Dynastic Life-cycle Discrete Choice Models with George-Levi Gayle and Limor Golan, Quantitative Economics, 9(3), 1195–1241 (2018).
- Intergenerational Mobility and the Effects of Parental Education, Time Investment, and Income on Children’s Educational Attainment with George-Levi Gayle, Limor Golan, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 100(3), 281-295 (2018).
- Addressing Endogeneity in the Casual Relationship between Sustainability and Financial Performance with Meltem Denizel and Damla Durak-Usar, International Journal of Production Economics 210, 56-71 (2019) .
- Corporate Sustainability Interactions: A Game Theoretical Approach to Sustainability Decisions with Meltem Denizel and Damla Durak-Usar, International Journal of Production Economics, 218, 196-211 (2019) .
- The asymmetric impact of oil prices, interest rates and oil price uncertainty on unemployment: New evidence from the US with Baris Kocaarslan and Ugur Soytas, (2019) (Accepted for publication at the Energy Economics)
- Sustainable Development: From Millennium 2015 to Sustainable Development Goals 2030 with Ergul Haliscelik, Sustainable Development 2019, 1-28 (2019).
- Does Being International Make Companies More Sustainable? Evidence based on Corporate Sustainability Indices, with Asya Atik, Central Bank Review, 18(2) December, 61–68 (2018).
- Role of Strategic Interactions in Corporate Sustainability Decisions: An Empirical Investigation with Damla Durak-Usar, Journal of Turkish Economic Association 6(1), 17–46 (2017).
- A New Estimation Technique for Sovereign Default Risk with Engin Volkan, Central Bank Review, 16(4) December, 119–125 (2016). (supported by TUBITAK 1001 Grant No: 113K754).
Working Papers (R&R and under review)
- What Accounts for the Racial Gap in Time Allocation and Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital? with George-Levi Gayle and Limor Golan, (2016) (revision requested from the Journal of Political Economy) (Supplementary Appendix).
- Estimation of Static Corporate Sustainability Interactions with Meltem Denizel and Damla Durak-Usar, (2018) (revision requested from the International Journal of Production Research).
- Intergenerational Income Mobility and Income Taxation, with Musab Kurnaz (2019) (Under Review)
- What is the source of the intergenerational correlation in earnings? with George-Levi Gayle and Limor Golan, St. Louis FED Working Paper 2015-019A, (2018) (Under Review)
- Optimistic Entrepreneurs and Strategic Change in High-Tech New Ventures: An Examination Based On the Behavioral Theory of the Firm with Isil Yavuz and Dev Dutta (2019) (Under Review)
Articles in Refereed Proceedings
- Optimistic Entrepreneurs and New Product Introductions in High Technology Industries with R. Isil Yavuz and Dev K. Dutta, Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2018, No.1 (2018).
- Optimistic Entrepreneurs and New Product Introductions in High-tech New Ventures: An Examination Based on the Behavioural Theory of the Firm with R. Isil Yavuz and Dev K. Dutta, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 35(9), Article 8 (2015).
Articles in National Refereed Journals and other Int. Journals
- Self-Reported Health Status: A Microeconometric Analysis for Turkey with Gulsah Sedefoglu, Quantitative Methods in Economics, 19(4), 440-451 (2018)
- Exploring the Nexus between Inflation and Globalization under Inflation Targeting through the Lens of New Zealand’s Experience with Ayse Kabukcuoglu and Enrique Martinez-Garcia, Current Approaches in Education and Economics, SRA Academic Publishing, USA., (2017). (Dallas FED Globalization Institute Working Paper No 308)
- Can Heterogeneity in Reporting Behaviour Explain the Gender Gap in Self-Assessed Health Status?, Economics Discussion Papers, No 2018-25, Kiel Institute for the World Economy. (2018) .
- Short-term Price Prediction in Electricity Market Using Nonlinear Excess Demand Specification with H. Murat Ertugrul, and Talat Ulussever, (2018) (Under Review)
- Effect of Time Investment in Children on the Labor Market Gender Gap in Earnings, Hacettepe University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, 35(2), 121-151 (2017). (supported by TUBITAK 3501 Grant No: 113K748)
- Modelling Price Dynamics in Turkish Electricity Market: Lessons from GARCH Estimates with H. Murat Ertugrul, and Talat Ulussever, Marmara University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, 39(2), 621-638 (2017).
- Corporate Sustainability Investments and Financial Performance Relationship in Turkey with Meltem Denizel, Damla Durak-Usar and Iris Ersoy, Journal of Management and Economics Research, 15(2), 140-162 (2017) (supported by TUBITAK 1001 Grant No: 113K598)
- Examining Health Status of Females in Urban and Rural Areas in Turkey: A Bayesian Approach with Gulsah Sedefoglu, Current Debates in Economics & Econometrics, IJOPEC Publishing, USA., (2017).
- A Semi-Reduced Form Characterization of Sovereign Default Risk Models with Engin Volkan, Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar Dergisi, 621(12) November, 9–18, (2016). (supported by TUBITAK 1001 Grant No: 113K754)
- Early Childhood Human Capital Investment in Children, Marmara University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, 38(1), 295-317 (2016).
Research in Progress
- Family structure and Intergenerational Income Mobility, with George-Levi Gayle and Limor Golan, 2016.
- The Complementarity and Substitution in Early and Late Investment in Children, 2017.
- Parental Time and Divorce Law, with George-Levi Gayle, Limor Golan and Juan Pantano, 2016.
- Intergenerational Persistence of Labor Market Earnings versus Wealth: The Role of Human Capital Transmission and Entrepreneurial Opportunity, with George-Levi Gayle, Limor Golan, and Andres Hincapie, 2017
- Public pre-school provision and mothers’ labor supply: Case of Turkey, with Gonul Sengul, 2017.
- Optimal Taxation and Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital, with Musab Kurnaz, 2018.
- Early Childhood Investment and Income Taxation, with Musab Kurnaz, 2018.
- CCP Estimator in a Dynastic Setting, (2019).
Essays on Life Cycle Dynastic Discrete Choice Models, Printed PhD Thesis, 2011.
International Book Chapters
- “Exploring the Nexus between Inflation and Globalization under Inflation Targeting through the Lens of New Zealand’s Experience”, Current Approaches in Education and Economics, SRA Academic Publishing, USA., Kabukcuoglu, A., Martinez-Garcia, E., and Soytas, M.A. (2017).
- “Examining Health Status of Females in Urban and Rural Areas in Turkey: A Bayesian Approach”, Current Debates in Economics & Econometrics, IJOPEC Publishing, USA., Sedefoglu G., and Soytas, M.A. (2017).
Grants and Contracts
- Principal Investigator, Turkish Science Foundation 3501 National Young Researchers Career Development Program (CAREER) Grant, Project Title: “Time investment to the children: A possible explanation for the gender gap in the labor market, policy recommendations.”, Duration: March 2014 – May 2016, Amount: ~31,000 EUR.
- Co-Investigator, Turkish Science Foundation 1001, The Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects Grant, Project Title: “A new estimation technique for sovereign default risk.”, with E. Volkan, Duration: March 2014 – May 2016, Amount: ~46,000 EUR.
- Co-Investigator, Turkish Science Foundation 1001, The Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects Grant, Project Title: “Sustainability in business: Constructing a merged dataset and economic theory based approach for modelling.”, with M. Denizel, Duration: March 2014 – May 2016, Amount: ~75,000 EUR.