MulHaRes: A probabilistic decision framework for MULti-HAzard RESilience of residential building portfolios subjected to floods and landslides
Brief Decription:
Vulnerable communities are severely affected by natural disasters. A model for the estimation of the impact of disasters and for planning mitigation policies is essential. The EU-funded MulHaRes project will develop a decision model to support multi-hazard resistance of residential buildings to floods and landslides provoked by heavy rainfalls. It will consider two distinct levels of building stock: individual buildings and building portfolios. The project will focus on EU residential buildings, examining residential practice in Europe. The resulting model will also be used for resistance estimation and planning of different types of buildings. The MulHaRes model will contribute to the efforts of a wide range of stakeholders seeking optimal mitigation strategies for residential buildings.
Ongoing Activities:
Two TUBITAK Seminars for MSCA Candidates in March and June 2021
Mini-symposium proposal recently accepted by the 2022 ISRERM conference !
Two summer schools for high schools students given in July and August 2022
Panelist for a session on climate change at IDRC Conference!
Our team recently attended the IWA DIPCON Conference, held in October 2022!
- About my Marie Sklodowska Curie project, five great conference presentations have been recently presented by our team at internationally recognized conferences:
- Rukundo, F., Deniz, D., Altan, Y.C. (2022). “Regional Flood Loss Modeling of the Town of Bozkurt in Kastamonu, Turkey”, 4th Regional Conference on Diffuse Pollution & Eutrophication (IWA DIPCON).
- Ceyhan, A.B., Deniz, D. (2022). “Flood Loss and Retrofit Analyses for Single-Detached Dwellings”, 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC).
- Moaiyedfar, Y., Deniz, D. (2022).”Flood Performance Assessment of Masonry Buildings”, 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC).
- Ceyhan, A.B., Deniz, D. (2022). “Benefit Analyses on Flood Retrofit Actions for Single-Family Residential Buildings”, the 13th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR), Shangai, China.
- Ceyhan, A.B., Deniz, D. (2021). “Probabilistic Flood Loss and Functionality Models for Single-Family Homes”, 14th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE), Istanbul, Turkey.
You can check my research gate profile to reach out to the full-texts: ResearchGate